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Buttercream Gelato Feminized Grow Report

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Buttercream Gelato Feminized was developed by carefully hand-selecting the finest qualities of Durban, Gelato, and Hindu Kush. It is an easy-to-grow plant that finished flowering in 99 days and produced a heavy harvest with an exotic terpene profile. Pungent effects range from uplifting to a relaxing full-body stone, and it’s a great addition to any garden.

Flowering stage: 77 days

Total time, seed to harvest: 99 days

Final yield: 87 grams

THC content: 17.13 %

A true hybrid, Buttercream Gelato Feminized gives growers the best of both worlds, and we were excited to grow this plant as part of our grow report series.

In most cases, growers can utilize the same growing area again, and we are no different, facilitating the cultivation cycle in our indoor growing area. Oscillating fans moved air above and below the canopy, and inline fans pulled all air through a carbon filter to remove odours. The soil of choice for our grow reports remained unchanged and used BAC Lava Soil Mix. 

We use a simple, two-part feeding system that includes Bio Grow and Bio Bloom nutrients. To give the plant energy for photosynthesis, we use a 1000W Green Power Phillips HPS bulb fixed to the ceiling 300 cm above the soil surface. Whether it was pure water or feeding solution, we always pH’d to 6.2 before applying it to the soil.

Environmental controls were another aspect we kept with minimal fluctuations. Temperatures ranged from 23°C during the day to 21°C at night. Humidity was adjusted during the cultivation cycle, but we began our Buttercream Gelato Feminized seeds in 65% humidity. Our lighting schedule was a standard, 18 hours on/6 hours off for veg, and 12/12 for the flowering stage.

To germinate our seeds, we put them between two sheets of moist kitchen roll before moving them to a dark location. Within 24 hours, we could tell the seed had cracked open, and the white radical was starting to show. Within 36 hours, the radicle was sticking 0.5 cm out of the shell. At that point, the seed was removed from the damp tissue with tweezers and gently placed into the soil. We buried the seed 0.5 cm in the soil, with the radicle pointing down.

By the week’s end, our Buttercream Gelato Feminized had grown 3 cm above the soil. HPS lighting can often be too intense for seedlings, and our seedling spent its first week under the lower-powered 600W HPS at the height of 100 cm. By the third day, the soil needed some water and poured 100 ml of water with added root stimulant around the base of the stem.

In week two, we decided to transplant into the final pot size of 5 litres. The Buttercream Gelato Feminized was still tiny, both above and below the soil, but we wanted to give the roots plenty of room to expand. As the saying goes – the bigger the roots, the bigger the fruits. This also eliminated the need to transplant later, avoiding potentially shocking the plant.

We were still applying 100 ml of solution to our seedling, but switched out the root stimulant for our Bio Grow nutrients. The EC was adjusted to 1.4, and like before, the solution was applied around the base of the stem to target the young root zone. 

As always, we proactively treat our cultivar for pests using organic methods like beneficial insects. Sachets of Neoseiulus Californicus and Amblyseius Swirskii are hung from the lower lateral branches of our Buttercream Gelato Feminized. These predators are effective at deterring infestations of thrips, fungus gnats, and two-spotted spider mites. 

By week three, our Buttercream Gelato Feminized had doubled in height and now stood 19 cm tall. We increased the solution volume to 200 ml for each watering, which was still concentrated at the base of the stem. 

The lower limbs were starting to reach out from the main stem to receive unobstructed light from above. The fan leaves were large and densely clustered due to the tight internodal spacing. New growth was lighter as it emerged but turned into a rich green as it grew into the familiar five and seven-fingered cannabis leaves. 

In week four, we continued to see vigorous growth and subsequently increased the nutrient strength to an EC of 1.7. The volume of solution was also increased to 400 ml to support the expanding root system. With more foliage comes more transpiration, and we reduced the relative humidity to 60% because of the extra moisture.

By week five, our Buttercream Gelato Feminized had grown to 60 cm. With more than nine nodes, the decision was made initiate flowering by adjusting the light schedule to 12 hours on and 12 hours off. We knew our plant would stretch vertically during this phase, so we felt this was an excellent time to transition.

This change also meant we stopped using the Bio Grow nutrients and switched to the Bio Bloom formula. During the flowering stage, plants require less nitrogen (N) and can use more phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) to build better flowers. The solution volume was increased to 800 ml per feeding, which was applied to the entire soil surface, not just the base of the stem.

Week six saw tremendous growth, and we were impressed. With the additional growth, some lower branches were too low or shaded from receiving optimal light. Being so far from the light source, they would not produce dense flowers, so we removed them. This action also created more airflow through the canopy, which is an effective part of mould mitigation.

It had been four weeks since we applied the beneficial insects to our IPM strategy and scouted our plant daily for unwanted predators. There was no obvious sign of damaging insects, but we released another sachet of Neoseiulus Californicus and Amblyseius Swirskii to eliminate the threat.

We increased the feeding volume to 1500 ml per feeding in week seven, but we began the week by doing a soil flush. This involves pouring enough pure water through the soil to create run-off. The excess water leaches pockets of concentrated nutrients and reduces sodium levels in the soil. Because we feed our Buttercream Gelato Feminized aggressively, doing an occasional flush can help improve the taste and burnability of the final flowers.

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