Sustainability A Living Roof I’ve been a fan of living roofs for quite some time, but never more so than this year, when they seem to be…
Sustainability ‘the tree collectors: tales of arboreal obsession’ with amy stewart WE’RE GOING TO talk about collectibles today, but not the kind you score at a flea market or from an online…
Sustainability What to Do With Removed Trees and Stumps–Gr3DSmccp0 Removing trees or parts of them from…
Sustainability Do You Really Need a Survival Food Pantry? I consider that question in our latest video: It’s not that…
Sustainability the high line’s naturalistic gardening lessons, with richard hayden IT’S ONE of the best-known naturalistic gardens anywhere, and yet it’s perched in the most unnatural spot…
Sustainability Plant Protection – of the non-chemical variety Regular readers of my blog will know that I spend as much time constructing or installing barriers to protect…
Sustainability A GUIDE TO NORTHEASTERN GARDENING: Prickly Pear Cactus: Native and Sustainable Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia humifusa)Welcome to This Month in the Garden! You may have encountered this plant…
Sustainability Connection between Soil Microbes and Gut Health Modern agricultural practices such as pesticide use and synthetic fertilisers negatively impact soil…
Sustainability Can Your Plants Improve Your Home’s Air Quality? Link: are known allies for better air quality,…
Sustainability On Testing Fetid Swamp Water I’ve been asked many times about the relative mineral content of “Dave’s fetid swamp water.” Yet it’s…
Sustainability The Govec Food Forest Project in Slovenia Recently, I rejoined Instagram and have enjoyed posting pictures again. While there, I connected with…
Sustainability This is why you mulch your trees! Finished Reading Born Again Dirt by Noah Sanders An Agricultural Testament by Sir Albert Howard…
Sustainability Tips for Starting a New Plot of Crops This Summer The transition from spring to summer marks the beginning of the gardening season. Of course, you can’t wait for…
Sustainability Solar powered irrigation | The Enduring Gardener If you’re anything like me you’ll need to know your plants are well watered during the warm summer months when…
Sustainability AI to make crop production more sustainable Drones monitoring fields for weeds and robots targeting and treating crop diseases may sound like science…
Sustainability Servicing Felco Secateurs | The Enduring Gardener 30th January 2016 • I Couldn't Do Without!-->…
Sustainability How can forests be reforested in a climate-friendly way? Europe's forests have already been severely affected by climate change. Thousands of hectares of trees have…
Sustainability Low-intensity grazing is locally better for biodiversity but challenging for land… The grazing of both domestic and wild animals is shaping landscapes across Europe. It can also contribute to…
Sustainability Promoting biodiversity-friendly landscapes – beyond organic farming Is organic farming the only alternative to conventional agriculture to promote biodiversity in agricultural…