What Took Me So Long?

13th February 2017 • I Couldn’t Do Without • Stephanie Donaldson
Faced with the chore of removing all the leaves from the borders so that the spring bulbs don’t have to fight their way through a soggy mulch of tulip tree leaves, I finally succumbed and spent £11.99 on a Bin Bag Loader. This rectangular piece of rigid plastic can be put in any plastic sack, or bin bag, to hold it open and upright, making the task infinitely easier – and once the sack is full, it slips out and can be used for the next sack. I can’t think why I didn’t buy one sooner. The decision to spend this princely sum (!) was stimulated by the collapse of the leaf heap. The plan is to bag up all last autumn’s leaves and stack them somewhere while we excavate the lower levels of leafmould for use in the garden and then build a new enclosure. It will be a lengthy and time consuming job, but it will certainly be easier thanks to my new bit of kit.