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Index to Canberra Organic magazine (1993 – 2023) – Canberra Organic Growers Society


TOPICS ISSUE and PAGE NUMBER   Bees (see also insects) Su06p11; Sp09p16; A13p18; W20p18; W21p14 (ACT for bees); A22p19 (swarms) Birds in gardens W06p17; Sp08p18;  Sp21p24; W19p14 (pardalotes); Su21p22 (magpies); Sp22p24 (Galah); A22p24 (Crimson Rosella); W22p24 (Superb Fairywren); A23p22 (Eastern Spinebill); W23p22 (Spotted Pardalote) Biodynamic gardening Sp94p12; W96p7; Sp96p4; A00p7; Su07p18 Companion planting Sp94p24; W95p6; Sp96p7 & p15; Sp16p15 Compost and composting A94p18; Su95p15; Sp00p25; W02p10 (Q&A); A05p20 (backyard); Su06p16; Su07p16 & Sp10p10 (bokashi); Sp07p26; A07p10; Su08p17 (for beginners); Sp16p18 (with microbial inoculants); Su18p13 (composting carp); Sp18p19 (lactobacillus serums); W19p16 (community composting); W20p6 (hot composting); Sp23p18 (use of coffee waste) Fertilisers Sp93p6; Sp94p5; A0017 (arguments against chemicals);  A02p13 (Seaweeds, use of); Sp06p27 (nutrients); Sp23p21 (DIY organic fertiliser) Fruit trees (see also pruning) W93p24 & p33; Su10p15 (apricots); Sp23p12 (espaliered apples) Food preservation and storage Su99p17; W01p21 (drying tomatoes); Sp03p28 (home food dehydrators); A04p22 (semi-dried toms); A04p6 (summer produce); A04p27 (figs and plums); Su08p24 (plums); Su09p20 (a variety of methods); A13p20–23 (storage, preservation, fermentation); W14p16 (herb drying); W15p4 (solar dryer); Sp17p16 (using Fowlers Vacola); Sp23p19 (preserving tomatoes) Greenhouses, tunnels, cloches, frames, growing containers W95p12; W99p10 (salad containers); Sp00p19 (cold frames); Sp05p18 (greenhouse); Sp09p12 (cloches – how to build and use); W10p18 (mini cloche); Su15p12 (protecting early tomatoes) Growing techniques, tools and equipment Crop rotation: Su06p16 (backyard crop rotation in Canberra); W09p16 (crop rotation & tips); Su16p18 Netting: W12p17; W14p14; A15p16 Organic growing: Su22p18 Propagation: A94p14; Sp15p10 Recycling: Su09p12Sp18p10; W21p6; A23p18 (pots) Wicking beds: Su09p15; A13p13 Other: Sp94p10 (using soil blocks), p13 (tools); Sp96p19 (hints for different veggies); A01p18 & Sp01p16 (no-dig gardens); W02p21 (Ho-Mi Asian hand cultivator); Su07p14 (guerilla gardening); Su10p26 (DIY potato cage); Su12p12 (setting up a dripper system); Su12p16 (mulching); Sp12p12 (heated propagator);  A14p13 (hand pollination); Su15p16 (organic mowing); Sp17p5 (DIY seed ribbons); Su19p20 & A20p20 (indoor microgreens); W20p21 (DIY seedling transplanter) Growing hints and tips for individual species (substantive articles only). See also fruit trees. Asparagus:  A94p13; A07p12; Sp09p10; Sp16p12 (incl cooking) Artichokes, Jerusalem: W03p30 Artichokes, Globe: Su03p30; Sp08p14; Sp08p14; A18p18; W19p15 Asian greens: A05p21; Sp10p14 Beans: Su02p16; Su05p28; W09p10 (a COGS growing experiment) Beans, broad: A02p10; A06p26; W08p15; Sp14p18 Beetroot: Sp02p13; A09p14; Su15p10 Berries: Sp01p12; Su07p12 (raspberries) Berries, blue: W95p8; Sp95p11; Su95p7 Broccoli: A00p22; A11p17 Brussels sprouts: A03p26; W10p14; W16p15; Su21p17 Bushfoods: W99p6 Cabbage: Sp17p4; Sp95p8 Calendulas: Su20p18 Cauliflowers: W98p16; Su00p6; A17p16; Sp22p15 Carrots: Sp00p16; Sp07p13; A22p17 Celery: A10p11; Sp11p18 Cherries: Su08p12 Chilies: Sp01p9; Su09p11 Citrus: A01p10; Su21p16 (pots or inground) Cucumbers  Su99p22; A16p7 (bitterness in) Dahlias: A16p10; Eggplant: A11p19; A21p17 English spinach: Sp08p15; Feijoas: A17p18; W17p16 Fennel: Su07p13 Garlic: Sp09p11 Gourds: Sp19p15 Grapes: A15p14   Green manures: A98p14; W00p12; A08p14 (why, when, how); A16p16 Herbs: Su00p17; Sp01p18; Su01p12; W08p14; A10p30; W21p16 Hops: Sp08p10 Kale: A09p15; Sp11p19 Kohlrabi: Sp93p15; W10p13 Leeks: Sp07p12 Lavender: Sp06p14; Su06p20 Nuts: W94p6; Sp07p20 Okra: W18p17 Onions: W94p22; W01p23; W06p24 Olives: A10p10 Peas: Su93p23 (snap) A06p26; W09p13; A12p18 Potatoes: A98p13 & 22; Su00p15Sp03p22; W08p16; Sp10p13; Su17p14 Pumpkins: W09p12; A16p12 Radish: W11p19 Salad greens: A01p22; Su08p13 Silverbeet: Sp18p15 Squash: W00p17 Sweet potatoes: Su22p20 Stevia: A99p6/7 Strawberries: Su09p10; Su12p20 Sweet corn: A08p18 Tomatoes: A00p20; Su04p26 (trellising & tips); A05p22; W14p18 (COGS tasting comparison); W06p10 (varieties); Su06p28; Su16p16 Turnips: A08p19 Warrigal greens: A23p19 Watermelon: Sp98p15 Winter crops:  Su93p24; Su01p17 Yacon (root crop): Su20p20 Zucchini: Su10p14 Insects (positives of insects) (see also Bees) A94p23 (lacewing hotels); Su93p18 & Su09p19 (beneficial insects); W98p11 (wasps); Su20p17 (paper wasps); Su98p12; W03p28 (plantings to encourage predator insects); A12p12 (ladybirds); Sp14p13 (bee-friendly plants); Su14p13 (insect hotels); Su19p7 (bee hotel) Manures Sp98p19 fresh manure use; W11p11 Miscellaneous topics Sp07p21 (psychological benefits of gardening); Su08p20 (recognising nutrient deficiencies in plants & soils); W16p12 (remembering Betty Cornhill); A15p18 (cash value of veggie gardening) Pests in the garden Brassicas, pests on: Sp95p8; W10p26 (cabbage moth); W20p20 (DIY cabbage moth decoys) Codling moth: W08p26 (on apples) Descriptions of & mgmt of pests: A13p10 Eggplants, pests on: Su04p11 European Wasps: Su08p14 Grapevine Moth caterpillar: A21p20 Parsnips – skin rash: A16p6; Pest/disease management: A96p13; Sp07p14; A07p20; Pesticides/fungicides: Sp97p8; Sp99p9 (pyrethrins); Rats: Sp22p7 Strawberry virus: Su93p24 Slugs, snails & slaters: Su99p8; A00p7; Su09p30 & A18p19 (slaters); W15p14; Su20p2 Snakes : W16p16 Solarisation for weed and pest control: Su00p21 Tomato wilt: A19p18 Treatments: Su96p15 (see also Insects) Weeds: Sp06p8; A05p11 (removing couch); Sp15p15 (integrated management) Various tricks for pests: Su99p8; Su01p16 Plots/gardens  – plans, edging, sizes and community garden issues New gardens/plots: Sp01p22; W10p10 & p16; Su20p6;  Sp20p18 Other: W01p12 & Sp22p10 (plans & layouts); Sp98p15 (treated timber use in gardens); A11p15 (managing community gardens); Su18p6  & Sp19p14 (plot edging) Propagation A94p14; Sp15p10 Pruning (see also fruit trees) A93p24; W96p5; A08p20 (stone fruits); W08p18 (pome – apples, pears etc.) Recipes from COGS cooks (a selection only) Artichokes: A99p8; Su19p19 (globe) Beetroot: Su15p10 Broad beans: Sp09p20; Su15p21 Beans (& toms): A21p22 Cakes: W93p12W94p7 semolina; Su97p15; A02p10 Curry: A06p26 (harvest bake) Eggplant: W99p17 Gherkins: A20p17 (pickled) Kale: Sp23p26 (chips) Kimchi (cabbage): Su21p24 Liqueurs(fruit): W96p19 Onions, pickled: W12p10 Peas: Sp15p16 (and preserving) Pickles & similar: Su97p15; W01p23 (relishes); A01p15; Su09p24 (jams, pickles & sauces); W10p15 (rhubarb chutney) Pies: Sp01p17 spinach; Sp99p16 vegetable   Pumpkins: W09p20; A16p14 (empanadas); Sp19p12; A21p23 Rosehips  W16p8 SaladsSp95p23; Su99p13 ; W00p29; Sp10p21 Silverbeet: Su11p20; Sp22p19-20 Soups:  W94p7 chestnut; W97p22; A98p17; W08p12 (hearty winter); W15p3 (zucchini) Tomatoes: A01p20; W15p19 (+sauces and jam) Turnips & swedes:  W94p25 Vegetable juices: Sp01p24; Vegetarian:  Su96p17; A11p24 Zucchini: W99p22; A06p25; W06p26; A09p20; A11p22; A19p16; Su14p18 (incl. preserving & recipes); A21p21 (grilled); A22p16 Seed saving W20p14; Sp20p15; A21p18 Soils A93p21; W93p13; Su96p10; W03p29 (use of rock dust); Sp16p8 (volcanic dust); A05p10; Sp05p22; Su05p12; Su04p22 (backyard organic); Su17p21 (basalt rock dust); A23p22 (microbes) Watering – everything about Su95p25; Su02p7 (plant water needs); Su03p6; Sp06p5;  Sp07p10 (managing grey water); Sp07p11 (water-saving tips); A07p2 (efficient watering); A14p20; Sp20p20 Water tanks Sp04p10; Su05p20 (D.I.Y. tanks); Su07p21 Worms W9 p10; Su98p16 (castings); W01p24 (juice); A03p22 (use of worm products); Su04p17 & Sp22p22 (backyard worm farm); Sp08p20 & W21p20 (garden worms); Sp18p17 (towers and inground); Su20p21 (DIY worm tower); Sp23P6 (worm counting)

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