Spanish Bluebell Blitz | The Enduring Gardener
3rd April 2017 • In The Garden • Stephanie Donaldson
Lots of rain and the return of cold weather has meant that any spring planting has been put on hold, but it has provided an ideal opportunity to dig up some of the largest clumps of Spanish Bluebells in the woodland area, especially those that are crowding out more welcome plants. The heavy rain has given the ground a thorough soak and lifting the clumps has been easy using my little border fork. Once I’ve loosened the soil, I gently but firmly pull upwards, removing the plants, bulbs and all. The leaves can go on the compost heap, but the bulbs will be bagged up and taken to the local tip for them to compost. There are still loads left, but if I do a few each year I will gradually reduce their thuggish ways.
This page offers some advice in identifying between Spanish and native bluebells.