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2023 Yields so Far | The Survival Gardener


It’s been a good year!

That’s 2297lbs of produce, plus 2330 eggs and 5 roosters!

This is even better than we did when we rented a small farm in Grenada.

There we already had multiple mature fruit trees and pineapples and bananas and plantains that really stacked the deck, giving us a yield of 2008.5lbs.

This time, we managed more than that from scratch within a year.

…and we haven’t even dug all the yams yet. I’ve only dug about 8′ of them and have roughly another 100′ of trellis to go. There’s no way we’ll be able to eat them all over the next few months so we’ll probably just leave a lot of them in the ground to keep for later.

Despite a late frost and an early fall frost, plus crushing drought, our gardening systems came through for us. Once we get more compost in the ground and improve the soil further, we should do even better. In a few years, we’ll also start getting fruit from the trees which will help even more.

Next year I wouldn’t be surprised to hit 3,000lbs. God is good! Thank you for better soil and a place of our own, Father.

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