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Cyber Monday and an Incoming Frost


If you shop on Amazon and would like to support our work this Christmas season, I have created a list of books and tools we really like.

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This is the slow season here, as book sales drop and video views fall. It’s also the time we use to get book projects finished and new garden beds created, and to clean up all the weeds that ate the gardens in summer.

It looks like a frost may be incoming, so today we’ll be doing some frost protection and bringing in cuttings from tender plants that aren’t likely to survive.

That 29 degrees could take out the remaining cassava, so today we’ll take cuttings and store them away for spring.

I also have one more sugar cane wheel to plant, since we found a few more canes we’d cut and forgotten about.

One of the nice things about cold, sunny days, is how pleasant they are for work. We can work all day when the temperatures are in the 60s. In the 90s, we can only work for a half-hour or so without a break, particularly if there’s no breeze! The high humidity and still air make it feel like you’re breathing in steam.

Today we’ll get some stuff done! We might even get our Christmas tree set up.

Today’s music:

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