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The Epic New Greenhouse | The Survival Gardener


After years of going without, we finally broke down and bought a good commercial greenhouse. I’ve mentioned it here, but this week I was finally able to finish and release the build video. We were delayed by having a baby among various other items, but the video is now finished and shows you an overview of how this greenhouse was put together.

The excuse is that we need it for our plant nursery.

The reality is that it’s just epic.

In the video, I don’t do a full step-by-step build, but you do get a look at how it was built and how it looks when finished. In the video we also cover how to keep a greenhouse warm (in a mild climate) without spending money on electricity.

This is a good commercial greenhouse we got for a very decent price from Greenhousekits1.com. We started it on September 28th, and finished it at the very beginning of November. Now we can propagate plants through the winter and build our nursery stock when everything is still dead outside.

A huge thanks is in order to our friends James and Holly, who helped us work on it for almost a month. I must also thank Carolyn Smith, who gave us a series of superchat donations over the last couple of years with repeated statements about them being “for the greenhouse fund.” Okay, Carolyn, we finally did it! Thank you for the push. I must also thank my mother Jenni, since she shared some inheritance money she received after my dear Grandmom passed away. And finally, I also thank Greenhousekits1.com, as they gave us a discount in return for us featuring their company in my videos.

This is the model we bought, in the 24 x 96′ configuration. This will allow us to get a good jump on spring and have lots of plants available in the spring of 2024 that we wouldn’t have been able to grow otherwise.

Thank you, everyone, and thank you Lord for the resources and some land of our own to build on.

Have a great weekend, and welcome to the lovely month of December!

Today’s music:

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