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A Living Roof


picture collage of living roof I’ve been a fan of living roofs for quite some time, but never more so than this year, when they seem to be alive with bees and butterflies. It literally adds an extra dimension to the garden when the planting and beneficial wildlife is not confined to ground level. Looking at Enviromat’s website I’ve discovered that sedum matting can also be used on flat roofs, wall tops and as ground cover for banks and awkward-to-maintain areas. This has given me an idea –  the brick arch in the courtyard where we store our logs has a leaky flat roof which would be rather good covered in sedum – we wouldn’t be able to see much of it, but it is sunny and sheltered and would make a fantastic habitat for beneficial insects, especially as it is surrounded on three sides by ivy which is another important food plant for wildlife. Time to get measuring I think.

environmat sedum roofing screengrabEnviromat are the acknowledged experts when it comes to sedum matting which they have been growing since the 1990s. They supply  the majority of  green roofs in the UK.

The post A Living Roof first appeared on The Enduring Gardener.

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