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Boundless CFX+ Vaporizer Review – Hail Mary Jane ®


What makes this device stand out is that it doesn’t have the typical sleek design, it takes on a more rough design with the grooves that allow the device to stay cool. It also, is created from medical and food grade materials. 

Another awesome feature is that it definitely is on the faster side of being able to heat up. This portable vaporizer is capable of being ready to go in 20 seconds or less. 

After use, the device can be fully charged again within 30 minutes. Waiting on your favorite product to charge is the absolute worst, so this is a huge plus. 

Boundless makes it so easy to have control over your experience by being able to choose the exact heat setting you desire. Like we mentioned before, the device makes it even easier for you to know when things have reached their desired temperature by vibrating when ready to go. 

Lastly, the Sleep Protection feature is a major convenience. You will never have to worry about falling asleep and not turning off the device again. This setting will automatically turn the CFX off when not being used.

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