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Can a Prophecy Be Reversed?

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Yes prophesy can be changed, in fact most prophesy of impending disaster is given in hope that it will be reversed and some will even give an answer to prevent the prophecy from coming to past. For example, there is a prophecy that if we do not accept Jesus as our Savior then we will go to Hell but Romans 10:9 reverses it by saying if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

I can recall two prophesy in the Old Testament that was reversed. One is founded in 2nd Kings 20:1-6 and the other one is in Jonah 3:1-10. To paraphrase the two accounts, in 2nd Kings 20:1-6 Hezekiah was sick Isaiah the Prophet told him to set his house in order because he was going to die but Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed. God heard his prayer and added fifteen more years to his life so that prophecy was reversed. In Jonah 3:1-10 God told Jonah to cry out against the city of Nineveh because of their wickedness and in forty days, it shall be over thrown. When the People of that city heard that message, they repented of their sins and fast. God saw that they had turned from their evil ways and He relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them. That prophecy was reversed also.

You might say that Jesus could not reverse the prophecy that was prophesied about His suffering when He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane. He was not trying to get out of fulfilling His destiny, He just wanted to know was there any other way to do it without Him being outside of the presence of God. No one has ever been outside of God’s countenance so the depth of it we will never know but Jesus knew and that is why He prayed that prayer. As it was there was no other way so He said, “not my will be done but thy will be done”.

We can accept good prophecy but if one come along that is a bad thing we do not have to accept it, instead we can do what is necessary to reverse it because all things are subject to change.

By Lizzie Ducking

Source by Lizzie Ducking

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