Sustainability The Govec Food Forest Project in Slovenia Recently, I rejoined Instagram and have enjoyed posting pictures again. While there, I connected with…
Sustainability This is why you mulch your trees! Finished Reading Born Again Dirt by Noah Sanders An Agricultural Testament by Sir Albert Howard…
Sustainability Tips for Starting a New Plot of Crops This Summer The transition from spring to summer marks the beginning of the gardening season. Of course, you can’t wait for…
Sustainability Solar powered irrigation | The Enduring Gardener If you’re anything like me you’ll need to know your plants are well watered during the warm summer months when…
Sustainability AI to make crop production more sustainable Drones monitoring fields for weeds and robots targeting and treating crop diseases may sound like science…
Sustainability Servicing Felco Secateurs | The Enduring Gardener 30th January 2016 • I Couldn't Do Without!-->…
Sustainability How can forests be reforested in a climate-friendly way? Europe's forests have already been severely affected by climate change. Thousands of hectares of trees have…
Sustainability Low-intensity grazing is locally better for biodiversity but challenging for land… The grazing of both domestic and wild animals is shaping landscapes across Europe. It can also contribute to…
Sustainability Promoting biodiversity-friendly landscapes – beyond organic farming Is organic farming the only alternative to conventional agriculture to promote biodiversity in agricultural…
Sustainability Securing competitiveness of energy-intensive industries through relocation: The… Countries with limited potential for renewables could save up to 20 percent of costs for green steel and up to…
Sustainability Tropical forests can’t recover naturally without fruit-eating birds New research from the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich illustrates a critical barrier to natural regeneration of…
Sustainability Scientists replace fishmeal in aquaculture with microbial protein derived from… Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Temasek Polytechnic have…
Sustainability Microbial food as a strategy food production of the future The global food crisis is increasing due to rapid population growth and declining food productivity to climate…
Sustainability World’s chocolate supply threatened by devastating virus A rapidly spreading virus threatens the health of the cacao tree and the dried seeds from which chocolate is…
Sustainability More sustainability in global agricultural trade The EU wants to ensure greater sustainability in agricultural trade with the Global South -- with the aim of…
Sustainability Bringing Order from the Chaos: Food Forest Hack Last year our drought kept us from doing much work on the food forest. It hit hard, starting at the end of…
Sustainability Achieving Reforestation on a Personal Scale Reforestation is no longer exclusively for forest rangers, farmers, or environmental organizations — it’s easy…
Sustainability Creating Sustainable Spaces In The New Year – Grow Organic A well-planned garden layout is the foundation for a bountiful and…
Sustainability Coral Honeysuckle in the Food Forest Yesterday we found a coral honeysuckle vine (Lonicera sempervirens) growing up a tree on an abandoned…