Health Yoga nidra might be a path to better sleep and improved memory Practicing yoga nidra -- a kind of mindfulness training -- might improve sleep, cognition, learning, and memory,…
Health More Older Washingtonians Are Using Cannabis More and more older adults are using cannabis now, which could be a…
Health State-by-State Cost Savings of getting a Medical Marijuana Card Now that more states have legalized recreational cannabis, it’s easy to dismiss the idea of getting a medical…
Health CBD for Anxiety: Exploring the Benefits, Research, and Best Practices Anxiety disorders are amongst the most common mental health concerns in the United States, with millions of…
Health Five Ways To Boost Your Endocannabinoid System Leafy Greens Shutterstock If there aren’t enough reasons already, add more leafy greens to your…
Health Genetic mutations that promote reproduction tend to shorten human lifespan, study… A University of Michigan-led study based on a review of genetic and health information from more than 276,000…
Health Cold Medicine and Marijuana – The Fresh Toast We finally know why we get colds in the winter. According to a study in 2022 published in The Journal of…
Health Dealing With Weed Hangovers Tips For Recovery In this article, we’ll explore ways in dealing with weed hangovers tips for recovery and how to minimize their…
Health Herbal Vaporizers Are Safer – Cannabis Hemp Blog There Is a large debate on the safety of medical marijuana. Many people are moving to a safer alternative to…
Health The Effect of Cannabis on Metabolism Cannabis is often celebrated for its ability to increase the appetite and prevent wasting. However, new research…
Health Cannabis Alleviates Symptoms of Lyme Disease! Living in the rural areas where there is tall grass and bushes everywhere, lies a creature that can make you very…