Medical Marijuana 411 Emily Sander – Lymphoma Cancer Survivor – Cannabis Hemp Blog
Medical Marijuana 411 ( interview with Emily Sander, student and lymphoma cancer survivor talks about how she utilized medical marijuana as a positive part of her treatment. Currently, lymphoma free, Emily talks about the benefits of medical marijuana as part of her treatment regimen. A non drug user all of her life, Emily turned to the medicinal use of marijuana to counter the side effects of her chemotherapy. Transcript follows:
I’m Emily Sander and Im a student of Cal State Long Beach. And I grew up in Northern California and came down here for school. I got diagnosed with lymphoma non-Hodgkins lymphoma in July it was really out of the blue. I got it from a virus there is nothing I could have done to prevent it. Ive always been really healthy. Barely ever even take even Tylenol. Im just not a medication person, and poof now I have to take tons and tons of medication for every tiny thing. It was such a big change in my life. Even though the cancer is already gone and very positive in that part of it and I have to take tons of medications still have to finish out chemo, which is not a walk in the park worse than the cancer was. My friends even my parents friends recommended I look in to medical marijuana as a substitute for some of the medications I was taking, and especially to get my appetite back. Which was one of the worse symptoms for me was my appetite was completely gone and even when I felt like eating I had mouth sores from the chemo and I couldnt eat. So there wasnt a medication that would make me hungry. Which medical marijuana deffinately does. Thats a really good side effect, especially for me.