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My Changing Long Island Garden!


Welcome Visitors!

Welcome to my garden! The official start of summer is just a few days away and the garden is alive and bursting with color. As we all know, a garden is always evolving and there have been some exciting renovations going on in my own garden this spring. After some unusually warm temperatures for the month of May, June brings temperatures mostly in the mid-70’s, which are comfortable weather wise for planting. Join me for a tour of my Long Island garden to revisit some familiar sights and explore some new beginnings. 

Back Perimeter Garden

We begin at the back perimeter garden which faces south. These Double Red Knock Out Roses are a sincere delight year after year and bloom on and off throughout the summer and into fall. In the foreground is the new Weeping Norway Spruce, which was planted last spring.

Double Pink Knock Out Roses

Along that same garden bed are Double Pink Knock Out Roses, which also bring so much joy!

Kousa Dogwood ‘Greensleeves’

Here is Kousa Dogwood ‘Greensleeves’, which is now in full bloom. This variety displays greenish-white blooms that last for several weeks, followed by large red edible fruit that appears near fall.

Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar

On the same south facing side, Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar joins the mix, surrounded by Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’  (Purple Coral Bells).

Back Pool Garden Western View

On the western side of the property is the foliage of Sedum ‘Brilliant’, the bluish-purple blooms of Nepeta ‘Walkers Low’, Variegated Boxwood, Spirea Goldmound, Rhododendron ‘Roseum Elegans’ and the pure white blooms of Viburnum ‘Summer Snowflake’, accompanied by Kwanzan Cherry in the corner of the garden.

Viburnum Summer Snowflake Blooming!

A hidden birdbath lies in the distance behind the Kwanzan Cherry and Viburnum.

Hemerocallis Stella D’ Oro (Daylily)

It is also Daylily season, and the Stella D’ Oro Daylilies are blooming!

Patio Surround

Following along to the patio surround, Salvia ‘May Night’ is in full bloom along with Peony.  The Peony blooms are just about done now, but the Salvia will keep on going through July, until it needs to be deadheaded. Another round of blooms will follow into fall.

Back Pool Garden Southern Side

Spirea ‘Goldmound’ is blooming in the back pool garden, giving a show with its beautiful pink blooms and golden foliage.

New Pool Makeover with Weeping Norway Spruce

There has been a lot going on in the back pool waterfall area. I finally took the plunge and removed an old yew which had been losing its needles since the drought of last summer and the three days of 10 degree temperatures this past winter. I also had the crew rebuild the waterfall with extra moss rock to extend it from side to side and replanted the whole area. 

Pool Makeover Northern View

We had to move the large Weeping Norway Spruce to the top of the waterfall with a skid steer with just two feet of space between the patio and pool. I held my breath until the tree was in place, then took a deep sigh of relief.  The mission had been accomplished.

Pool Makeover Southern View

I added some Variegated Upright Boxwood on each side of the main focal point and Cherry Laurel ‘Otto Luyken’ to the left. Some New Wave Petunias were added for color. Later this season or next season, I may add some perennials as well, but for now I am just enjoying the new look. I am also looking forward to when the Green Giant Arborvitae in the back drop push out some new foliage and the new plantings grow to fill in some of the gaps left by the gigantic Yew that had been there for so many years.

Pool Surround

In front of Rhododendron ‘Roseum Elegans’ and Coral Bells (Heuchera ‘Caramel’), Sky Pencil Holly adds some dimension to the garden. I enjoy their upright stature.

Perennial Border

In the perennial border, Lamb’s Ear is already starting to get its blooms, which is earlier than usual. Astilbe ‘Fanal’ joins in with its pink blooms, which will last into July.

Sedum Groundcover

The groundcover mix of Sedum also seems to be about two weeks ahead of schedule this year with blooms already forming. The main species in this mix is Sedum ‘Angelina’.

Perennial Border

Back to the perennial border, the tall foliage of Balloon Flower (front left), will lead to large blue balloon-shaped blooms later in the summer around the end of July or beginning of August. The blooms of Echinacea will follow around the same time.

Spirea Double Play ‘Big Bang’

Moving along to the front yard is Spirea Big Bang ‘Double Play’. The Double Play series displays  vibrant pink blooms which are larger than those of other species of Spirea, and the foliage is nice too!

Spirea Double Play ‘Big Bang’ Bloom Up Close

Here are the blooms up close! I followed a bumble bee around trying to capture a photo shoot, but he was camera shy! The Spirea is a great pollinator magnet.

Driveway Border

The new addition along the driveway border are these Dwarf Norway Spruce, with replaced the coreopsis. It was time for a neater look and less maintenance.

Entrance Walkway 

Along the front walkway, the heart-shaped foliage of Weeping Eastern Redbud is a delight…

Front Island Bed

and the Hosta’s are in full swing on the front island bed. Accompanying them are Sedum ‘Pure Joy’, which will bloom later in the summer.

Thanks for Visiting!

The month of June has certainly been a busy one, with so many changes going on in my Long Island garden. As I put it…A garden is a work of art, a thing of beauty that constantly changes, and can be enjoyed for a lifetime.

June Garden

I hope you enjoyed the stroll. I appreciate you being here, look forward to your comments and enjoy seeing what you have blooming where you live! Special thanks go out to our hostess Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who makes it possible to see blooms on the 15th of every month with her meme Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. Also, special thanks to Pam Penick at Digging who had hosted Foliage Follow-Up, a meme I will continue to honor. I am also linking with some other wonderful hosts and hostesses at Floral Friday FotosFriday Bliss at Floral Passions, Macro Monday 2, Mosaic Monday at Letting Go of the Bay Leaf, Nature Notes at Rambling WoodsImage-in-ing weekly photo share every Tuesday with NC Sue and Gardens Galore Link Up Party every other Monday with Everyday Living. I am also happy to join the Weekly Photo Link-Up at My Corner of the World on Wednesdays and Garden Affair at Jaipur Garden. Wishing all a wonderful spring with gardens that thrive!

“As Always…Happy Gardening!” 

Author: Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, © Copyright 2010-2023. All rights reserved. 

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