Tulip Love | The Enduring Gardener

25th April 2016 • Stephanie’s Blog • Stephanie Donaldson
The tulips are just beginning to strut their stuff, although Exotic Emperor – a new variety to me – has now been flowering for weeks and definitely a new favourite. I planted it in a pair of dolly tubs either side of the front door where the flowers just got better and better as they opened and now resemble lovely creamy white double paeonies. I’ve underplanted them with bright pink Barcelona which will take their place when they finally decide to drop their petals.
Viridiflora tulips are favourites too – both for their markings and because they reliably return each year – I add a few more Spring Green and Flaming Spring Green every year and have plans to add the pink-shaded China Town next year.
There are lots more to come – thanks to the chilly east wind many remain tightly furled. In the courtyard where I put most of the orange and yellow shades only Brown Sugar has opened, while Ballerina, General de Wet and Apricot Jewel are barely showing any colour – that’s fine as far I’m concerned, I like an extended flowering season – in hot springs it is often over far too quickly.