Begone Leatherjackets and Chafer Grubs!
19th September 2018 • Timely Advice • Daniel Carruthers
An email reminder from Nematodes Direct and the purchase of a discounted hose-end nematode applicator at the local garden centre reminded me that now is the time to apply these biological controls to avoid foxes digging up the lawn in search of juicy morsels. My lawn is about as far from a perfect green sward as you can get – there are as many daisies and dandelions as there is grass and in the shady areas it is mainly mind-your-own-business (Soleirolia soleirolii). But it is green and flat and is scattered with daisies, which is all I really require from a lawn. However, last autumn the fox dug numerous holes in it leaving it looking more like an archaeological dig than a lawn and I’m determined to stop this happening this year.
My ‘To Do’ List