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Growing Impatience – Literally


I’m keen to get on with sowing and growing, but until today I have held back because each time I went to local garden centres in search of potting compost all I could find was last year’s stock that had been sitting out in the wet all winter. Don’t let anyone tell you that it is perfectly useable – it isn’t. But hooray, today I was able to buy some newly-delivered potting compost which means that I can get on with seed sowing.  I’ve put one of the bags (I bought three) in the greenhouse so it can warm up, and stored the other two undercover in the garage. That way they will all be in perfect condition when I want to use them. Ideally I prefer to use Sylvagrow potting compost, but sadly it is not available anywhere near me, so until I find myself driving past a stockist when I’m on my travels I am using Vital Earth’s multipurpose compost. Both are peat free, which is essential as far as I am concerned.multi-purpose-compostsmell the fresh potting compostFresh potting compost should smell pleasant, be lump free and only slightly damp

The post Growing Impatience – Literally first appeared on The Enduring Gardener.

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